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Best Jailbroken iPhone Setup Episode 7

Cool Calm Collected by Daniel

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Lockscreen - Hidemex - Lockhtml 4 - lockplus10 (sensible) - notodayview - nolockscreen sb - Lockglyph x + Lockglyph theme pack Control center - Noctis - CCplus - Jool cc theme ( Anemone ) - CCrecorder - horseshoe - wormhole - miniCC - cleanCC - hidemex Notification Center - Revealnc9 - falcon - springtomize - nodots10 Springboard - iWidgets. (EW10.iwidget) - nopagedots7 - veexillum (dock line) - theme : glyphs,glyphy - Appdrawer (Vinculum) - betterfiveicondock - betterfivecolumnhomescreen - nougatshortcuts - force delete - hidemex - springtomize - Font: alright Sans font (Anemone) Statusbar - moveable 9 - lithium ion ( Android kitkat Battery ) - Android lollipop Statusbar (Anemone) - Zeppelin ( Nike logo) Not visible - noslowanimations - sleek'n'bouncy 9 - don't stop the party


Minimal Weib by Travis Parker

​- A​nchor

- A​nemone - gunni sounds/system ui, kecil cc, and binary

app icons

- B​adgomizer

- ​C​reamless

- ​E​clipse4

​- H​ide​M​eX

- ​H​orseshoe

- i​W​idgets - lockscreen - p4 and homescreen - p.iw.13​

​- L​ock​G​lyphX

- ​L​ock​HTML​4

- O​nion

​- P​alert

​- P​owerbar

​- P​reference ​O​rganizer

- ​R​eform​X​

​- S​onus

- ​S​pring​Plus

- ​S​wipe​H​ome

- ​T​ouch​P​ass

- ​T​ouchr


Forest Hill Run by Brennan Sakata

Lock Screen:

-LockHTML4-Theme-LSCrease and LSEW.Battery_IS1



Home Screen:


-Anemone-Theme-Lotus and S8 icon mask



-iWidgets: ew10 and ew3

-Goodges and ColorBadges

Status Bar:


-OpenNotifier10 & OpenNotifierPremium Pack

-Zeppelin-theme-Amber anemone theme



Clearcut by David Asta

- Acapella II

- Android Solid - Cell & Wifi Signal

- AndroidLock XT

- Anemone

- AppDrawer

- Boxy

- CCSettings

- cj Glyphs

- Cloaky

- Color Convos

- Colorflow 2

- CustomCover

- Eclipse 3

- Floater

- Glyphs

- Glyphy

- iWidgets

- Kitkat Battery Themes for Lithium

- Lithium

- LockHTML4

- LS X

- Messages Customizer Pro

- Mitsuha

- Mobius

- NoMusicLabel

- Priority Hub

- RoundScreenCorners

- SimpleCenters

- SpotlightBeGone

- Springtomize 3

- StatusVol X

- Uniformity 2

- WatchNotifications


High Sierra by Shevon Salmon

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